Log in to see our new Christmas Hamper Deal now to make your Christmas Meals complete
Social Media - 2014-08-14
We have launched 2 new Facebook and Twitter pages. Feel free to give us a 'like' and a 'follow' and we'll keep you updated on all our fantastic range.
Our Shop - 2014-08-07
We have added a new shop feature to our website. Please feel free to browse our selection of the finest meats. Our site uses Paypal to provide a safe and trusted service for all of our customers.
New Shopping Cart - 2014-06-13
The team at Country Harvest Farm Foods are expanding the business towards online shopping. All of our best cuts will be available to buy at a discount prices. Watch this space!
New Website - 0000-00-00
We are in the process of developing a new website. In the meantime we will keep you posted via our Twitter account @MeatCHFF.
NEW SITE LAUNCH - 0000-00-00
We are very excited to announce the launch of our new Country Harvest Farm Foods website.